An Open Letter to the Broken- Hearted Girl
Let's be real. You knew it was time to leave when you typed it in Google. You didn't really come looking for confirmations to leave, but more so excuses to stay put, to hold on, to fight for the person who isn't fighting for you. When you're truly ready to let go though, here's what you have to know: this type of pain cant be remedied by posting self-love "I choose me" memes. It won't be eradicated by erasing pictures or videos of when love was in abundance (feel free to do so, though). It won't magically vanish by announcing "I'm single", because you're damn sure not ready to mingle. Bashing or rehashing every mistake they or you made won't make it any better either. Unfortunately, to properly heal this wound you're going to have to sit with those emotions for a while, and let it ache, until it starts to feel better.
Don't wallow in your pain, but don't try to run from it either; no matter how fast you are, even if you successfully evade it for awhile, you cannot outrun the truth. So, cry when you need to, but laugh when the spirit moves you to, too. Smile when you revisit the good times, or be angry, or indignant, or confused. Bask in whatever emotion is evoked by remembering the good, bad, and ugly...until the emotions begin to fade, and the pain becomes more and more bearable. Until you smile a little more than you cry. Eventually, it'll become a distant memory, and your heart will be whole once more.
If the love was real, you'll always have a piece of them to carry with you. If it wasn't real, you'll know better and be better, for next time, and there will be a next time, if you open yourself to the endless possibilities of love. None of that can happen however, as long as you're still asking yourself questions to which you already know the answer. Reality is the strongest tool you have in your toolbox. Use it often, and use it well.